Studies have demonstrated that music involvement for preschoolers can enhance their intelligence and increase their ability to grasp “abstract” concepts. Children who regularly participate in music have shown dramatic improvements in memory retention skills, hand eye coordination and spatial temporal reasoning skills. Most importantly however, the overall experience will build a musical foundation for children in a fun and playful manner.
Other Benefits:
Builds self-esteem and confidence
Boosts ability to focus
Encourages learning through exploration and play
Teaches about patience and sharing
Working together towards a common goal

A trained early childhood music educator will provide quality instruction on a weekly basis for your preschool or day care. This includes singing age appropriate songs while playing an instrument (typically guitar or ukulele). The instructor will also provide instruments and/or props for each child. Age range of classes includes:
Infant (6mo-1)
Toddler (1-2)
Preschooler (3-5)
Kindergarten (5-6)
During the class, students will participate in a number of musical activities which may include:
Playing instruments
Musical story time
Use of props
Learning basic musical concepts and more
Our curriculum is based on each individual school’s needs and can be adjusted to fit a number of different programs throughout the year. Typically the length of each class is 25 minutes (this allows for 5 additional minutes of set-up in between classes), and the size of each class should be no more than 15 students.

Shows are prepared on an annual or semi-annual basis. Our instructors will adequately prepare each class/teacher for their performance. Since music class is given on a weekly basis, First Start Music may also provide audio/video links via this website for each school so that teachers may practice with their class in the weeks leading up to performances. Additional run-throughs and dress rehearsals may be scheduled based on availability.